Melhor Aventura
- Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity (Arc Dream Publishing/Pagan Publishing)
- Monsters and Other Childish Things: Road Trip (Cubicle 7/Arc Dream Publishing)
- Pathfinder Adventure Path #43: The Haunting of Harrowstone (Paizo Publishing)
- Perils of the Surface World: Miracle Stone of the Amazon (Exile Game Studio)
- Saturday Night Delves #1: Revenge of the Iron Lich (Save Versus Death)
- Menção Honrosa: The Dance in the Blood (Pelgrane Press/Graham Walmsley)
Melhor Acessório
- D&D Essentials: Dungeon Tiles Master Set – The Dungeon (Wizards of the Coast)
- Eclipse Phase Gamemaster Pack (Posthuman Studios)
- Gaming Paper Adventure Maps (Gaming Paper)
- Hero Lab (Lone Wolf Development)
- The Unspeakable Oath (Arc Dream Publishing)
- Menção Honrosa: Vornheim: The Complete City Kit (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)
Melhor Arte de Capa
- A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide (Green Ronin Publishing)
- Eoris Essence (Visions of Essence LLC)
- Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook (Green Ronin Publishing)
- Shadowrun: Attitude (Catalyst Game Labs)
- The Laundry (Cubicle 7)
- Menção Honrosa: The Danse Macabre (White Wolf Publishing)
Melhor Arte Interna
- Dark Sun Campaign Setting (Wizards of the Coast)
- DC Adventures Hero’s Handbook (Green Ronin Publishing)
- Eoris Essence (Visions of Essence LLC)
- Legend of the Five Rings, Fourth Edition (Alderac Entertainment Group)
- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide (Paizo Publishing)
Melhor Blog
Melhor Cartografia
- Bookhounds of London (Pelgrane Press)
- Deep Vistas Map Set I – III (Maps of Mastery)
- Gaming Paper Adventure Maps (Gaming Paper)
- Heavenring Village – Virtual Boxed Set (0One Games)
- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Poster Map Folio (Paizo Publishing)
- Menção Honrosa: Shadowrun: Sixth World Almanac (Catalyst Game Labs)
Melhor Livro Eletrônico
- Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting (Alluria Publishing)
- Continuity (Posthuman Studios)
- Shanghai Vampocalypse (Savage Mojo)
- Temporal Probability Agency: To Predict and Serve (Apathy Games)
- Aces & Eights: The Running Death (Terminal Studios)
Melhor Produto Gratuito
- A Time of War: The BattleTech RPG Quick-Start Rules (Catalyst Game Labs)
- Hell for Leather – Free Edition (Cobweb Games)
- Old School Hack – Basic Game (Kirin Robinson)
- Saturday Night Delves #1: Revenge of the Iron Lich (Save Versus Death)
- Aces & Eights: The Running Death (Terminal Studios)
- Menção Honrosa: Ultimate Combat Playtesting PDF (Paizo Publishing)
Melhor Jogo
- Happy Birthday, Robot! (Evil Hat Productions)
- Icons Superpowered Roleplaying (Adamant Entertainment/Cubicle 7)
- Legends of Anglerre (Cubicle 7)
- Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook (Green Ronin Publishing)
- The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
- Menção Honrosa: The Laundry (Cubicle 7)
Melhor Produto de Miniatura
- BattleTech 25th Anniversary Introductory Boxed Set (Catalyst Game Labs)
- Deep Vistas Map Set I – III (Maps of Mastery)
- Mousling Heroes (Reaper Miniatures)
- USCR – Commissar (MERCS Miniatures)
- WARMACHINE Khador Gun Carriage (Privateer Press)
- Menção Honrosa: Gaming Paper Adventure Maps (Gaming Paper)
Melhor Monstro ou Adversário
- Doctor Who: Aliens & Creatures (Cubicle 7)
- Fey Folio: Clans of the Fey (Alluria Publishing)
- Monster Vault (Wizards of the Coast)
- Mythic Menagerie: The Kingdom of Graves (Super Genius Games)
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (Paizo Publishing)
Melhor Novo Jogo (publicado pela primeira vez)
- A Taste for Murder (Graham Walmsley)
- Happy Birthday, Robot! (Evil Hat Productions)
- Icons Superpowered Roleplaying (Adamant Entertainment/Cubicle 7)
- The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
- The Laundry (Cubicle 7)
- Menção Honrosa: Stars Without Number (Sine Nominee Publishing)
Melhor Podcast
- Atomic Array
- Chronicles: Pathfinder Podcast
- Flagons and Dragons
- The Dungeon Master Guys Podcast
- Yog-Sothoth
- Menção Honrosa: Kicked In The DiceBags
Melhor Produção
- Gatecrashing (Posthuman Studios)
- Happy Birthday, Robot! (Evil Hat Productions)
- Legend of the Five Rings, Fourth Edition (Alderac Entertainment Group)
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (Paizo Publishing)
- The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
Melhor Produto Relacionado a RPG
- BattleTech 25th Anniversary Introductory Boxed Set (Catalyst Game Labs)
- Castle Ravenloft Boardgame (Wizards of the Coast)
- Hamlet’s Hit Points (Gamplaywright Press)
- Tall Pencil Strap Dragon Chow Dice Bag (Dragon Chow Dice Bags)
- The Bones – Us and Our Dice (Gameplaywright Press/Atomic Overmind Press)
Melhores Regras
- D&D Rules Compendium (Wizards of the Coast)
- Icons Superpowered Roleplaying (Adamant Entertainment/Cubicle 7)
- Legends of Anglerre (Cubicle 7)
- Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook (Green Ronin Publishing)
- The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
- Menção Honrosa: D&D Gamma World Roleplaying Game (Wizards of the Coast)
Melhor Cenário
- A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide (Green Ronin Publishing)
- Dark Sun Campaign Setting (Wizards of the Coast)
- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide (Paizo Publishing)
- Progenitor (Arc Dream Publishing)
- Space 1889: Red Sands (Savage Worlds) (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
- Menção Honrosa: Bookhounds of London (Pelgrane Press)
Melhor Suplemento
- Block by Bloody Block (Print Version) (White Wolf Publishing)
- Gatecrashing (Posthuman Studios)
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s Guide (Paizo Publishing)
- Shadowrun: Attitude (Catalyst Game Labs)
- Space 1889: Red Sands (Savage Worlds) (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
- Menção Honrosa: The Danse Macabre (White Wolf Publishing)
Melhor Website
Melhor Texto
- The Danse Macabre (White Wolf Publishing)
- Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity (Arc Dream Publishing/Pagan Publishing)
- Gatecrashing (Posthuman Studios)
- The Dance in the Blood (Pelgrane Press/Graham Walmsley)
- The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
Produto do Ano
- A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide (Green Ronin Publishing)
- DC Adventures Hero’s Handbook (Green Ronin Publishing)
- D&D Gamma World Roleplaying Game (Wizards of the Coast)
- Gatecrashing (Posthuman Studios)
- Happy Birthday, Robot! (Evil Hat Productions)
- Legend of the Five Rings, Fourth Edition (Alderac Entertainment Group)
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s Guide (Paizo Publishing)
- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide (Paizo Publishing)
- The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
- The Stork (DreamPunk Productions)
- Menção Honrosa:Legends of Anglerre (Cubicle 7)
Fonte: Ennie Awards